
lz的用法是这样的,一个中古级mac mini 2011上装有vmware esxi 7.6, 然后上面挂载了lz的华芸Asustor Nas的iscsi空间,lz用的是basic volume,然后esxi上面有虚拟的黑群晖6.2.2-24922,黑群晖的docker里跑着不可描述软件,但是发现下载速度过快时,比如有好几个文件同时下载,总速度超过60MB/s以后storage manager里很容易出现volume crashed提示,之后volume就成为只读状态了,原因不了解,但是网上搜到了手动修复步骤,特此记录如下

首先用linux机器, 如果没有可以在windows上装cygwin,然后ssh到黑群晖

> ssh username@ipAdresss

# sudo 之后再次输入密码,切换到root帐号

> sudo -i

此时可以看到sdc3后面的[E] 表示他现在是错误状态

root@syno:~# cat /proc/mdstat

Personalities : [linear] [raid0] [raid1] [raid10] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raidF1]

md2 : active raid1 sdb3[0]

11955200 blocks super 1.2 [1/1] [U]

md3 : active raid1 sdc3[0](E)

3738594304 blocks super 1.2 [1/1] [E]

md1 : active raid1 sdb2[0] sdc2[1]

2097088 blocks [12/2] [UU__________]

md0 : active raid1 sdb1[0]

2490176 blocks [12/1] [U___________]

unused devices:

然后记录下 Array UUID,下面的修复命令要用到

root@syno:~# mdadm –detail /dev/md3


Version : 1.2

Creation Time : Thu Jun 4 09:42:45 2020

Raid Level : raid1

Array Size : 3738594304 (3565.40 GiB 3828.32 GB)

Used Dev Size : 3738594304 (3565.40 GiB 3828.32 GB)

Raid Devices : 1

Total Devices : 1

Persistence : Superblock is persistent

Update Time : Fri Jun 19 11:56:32 2020

State : clean, FAILED

Active Devices : 1

Working Devices : 1

Failed Devices : 0

Spare Devices : 0

Name : syno:3 (local to host syno)

UUID : bf3d8440:bff1633d:8c175723:69d81786

Events : 8

Number Major Minor RaidDevice State

0 8 35 0 faulty active sync /dev/sdc3

root@syno:~# mdadm –examine /dev/sdc3


Magic : a92b4efc

Version : 1.2

Feature Map : 0x0

Array UUID : bf3d8440:bff1633d:8c175723:69d81786

Name : syno:3 (local to host syno)

Creation Time : Thu Jun 4 09:42:45 2020

Raid Level : raid1

Raid Devices : 1

Avail Dev Size : 7477188608 (3565.40 GiB 3828.32 GB)

Array Size : 3738594304 (3565.40 GiB 3828.32 GB)

Data Offset : 2048 sectors

Super Offset : 8 sectors

Unused Space : before=1968 sectors, after=0 sectors

State : clean

Device UUID : 2c5061d2:a9b7a58b:e455b5e1:44868b58

Update Time : Fri Jun 19 11:56:32 2020

Checksum : 1118665c – correct

Events : 8

Device Role : Active device 0

Array State : A ('A' == active, '.' == missing, 'R' == replacing)


root@syno:~# mdadm -Cf /dev/md3 -e1.2 -n1 -l1 /dev/sdc3 -ubf3d8440:bff1633d:8c175723:69d81786

mdadm: super1.x cannot open /dev/sdc3: Device or resource busy

mdadm: /dev/sdc3 is not suitable for this array.

mdadm: create aborted


root@syno:~# mdadm –stop /dev/md3

mdadm: stopped /dev/md3

如果还是忙,就先 umount /dev/md3

lz这里遇到过还是device busy,然后lz去把himedia播放器关了,把File Services里面的NFS关了,才可以,之前试过装opkg,装了lsof, 然后 lsof | grep volume2并没有找到什么进程在使用volume2,事实上opkg装完黑裙就进不了webui了,只好ssh进去synopkg uninstall ebi

如果修复命令成功了, 重启黑群晖就恢复正常了

root@syno:~# mdadm -Cf /dev/md3 -e1.2 -n1 -l1 /dev/sdc3 -ubf3d8440:bff1633d:8c175723:69d81786

mdadm: /dev/sdc3 appears to be part of a raid array:

level=raid1 devices=1 ctime=Thu Jun 4 09:42:45 2020

Continue creating array?

Continue creating array? (y/n) y

mdadm: array /dev/md3 started.


root@syno:~# mdadm –help-options

Any parameter that does not start with '-' is treated as a device name

or, for –examine-bitmap, a file name.

The first such name is often the name of an md device. Subsequent

names are often names of component devices.

Some common options are:

–help -h : General help message or, after above option,

mode specific help message

–help-options : This help message

–version -V : Print version information for mdadm

–verbose -v : Be more verbose about what is happening

–quiet -q : Don't print un-necessary messages

–brief -b : Be less verbose, more brief

–export -Y : With –detail, –detail-platform or –examine use

key=value format for easy import into environment

–force -f : Override normal checks and be more forceful

–assemble -A : Assemble an array

–build -B : Build an array without metadata

–create -C : Create a new array

–detail -D : Display details of an array

–examine -E : Examine superblock on an array component

–examine-bitmap -X: Display the detail of a bitmap file

–examine-badblocks: Display list of known bad blocks on device

–monitor -F : monitor (follow) some arrays

–grow -G : resize/ reshape and array

–incremental -I : add/remove a single device to/from an array as appropriate

–query -Q : Display general information about how a

device relates to the md driver

–auto-detect : Start arrays auto-detected by the kernel


root@syno:~# synoservice -status nginx

service [nginx] status=[error]

required upstart job:

[nginx] is stop.


root@syno:~# synoservice -start nginx

root@syno:~# synoservice -status nginx

Service [nginx] status=[enable]

required upstart job:

[nginx] is start.


# lz有去检查log

root@syno:~# cat /var/log/nginx/error.log

2020/02/08 21:07:42 [notice] 16193#16193: signal process started

2020/02/08 21:07:42 [error] 16193#16193: open() "/run/nginx.pid" failed (2: No such file or directory)

lz还遇到过这样全都做好了,可是重启又进不了webui,此时lz mount /dev/md3,然后去到storage manager里修复syste

m partition就好了(修复的时候不要mount volume2)


俗语有云,常在河边走,哪能不湿鞋,所以lz在某天华丽的挂掉了,所有数据丢失,正好趁此机会,lz更新到了jun’s 1.03 loader,手动下载了6.2.3-25426-3固件,然后重新安装了,貌似一切正常,不过下载速度过猛的时候,还是会不时出现这个volume crashed


赞 正在加载……


